Getting Started with Chikn

This beginners guide is for those wanting to buy their first ever Chikn, Roostr, or FarmLand NFT and don’t know where to start.

It’s written in two parts, Part 1) How to buy AVAX tokens for the first time, and Part 2) Buying Chikn NFTs with a MetaMask wallet using that AVAX

  1. Buying AVAX tokens

To play the Chikn game, be it passively or actively, for fun or to earn money, your first step is to buy coin in the Avalanche blockchain, i.e “AVAX”. Buying AVAX is no different to buying Bitcoin or Ethereum. You could buy AVAX just as an investment in and of itself if you’re willing to speculate its price will increase, just as you might buy Bitcoin. But to play Chikn, you’ll need AVAX to purchase the in-game assets, i.e the Chikns, Roostrs, or FarmLands. These assets are called NFTs, but more on that later.


To buy AVAX, the most common way is to purchase on a large, reputable crypto exchange, such as Binance or
Personally I use Binance, but is popular within the Chikn community also.

You can either download their apps on your Android or Apple phone to create an account and get started, or create an account on your computer visiting their website: (select “register”) (select “sign up”)


There are two main approaches to getting AVAX once you’ve signed up.

A)      Buy AVAX directly with credit or debit card


B)      Deposit some of your local currency in say USD or AUD (this is called FIAT)

Then Buy Avax on the exchange using that FIAT


Binance has simple video tutorials showing the two approaches:

Make sure you select “AVAX” as it will generally default to BTC (Bitcoin) which is not what you want.


To get started, you’ll probably want at least 50 Avax to have enough to purchase some of the Chikn assets (approx. $800 USD at time of writing).

Though if you want to own a Chikn, those are currently over 100 AVAX (+$1600 USD)

Congrats, you should now have AVAX in your chosen exchange, and are ready to transfer it over to a MetaMask wallet for interacting with the Chikn website (


Note: As you’re new to crypto, please be aware there are multiple ways scammers target people and their money. Make sure you always enter the correct URL into your browser. Avoid searching for a website on google, as you will often get fake sites with slightly different spelling of legitimate pages, known as “phissing sites” (missing/changed characters, or correct characters but different domain, eg .co instead of .com)

2. Buying Chikn NFTs on using a MetaMask wallet

Installing Metamask

With your AVAX on Binance or, the tokens are held in what’s known as a custodial wallet. Binance and hold the authority over your wallet so you cannot interact with web3.0 platforms such as Chikn yet.

You’ll need to set up a self-custodial hot wallet such as MetaMask which you will transfer the AVAX tokens to. From here on in, you need to be very careful with security, any transfers you make, any links you click, and any online person you interact with.

A hot wallet is something that can connect your wallet to the internet, so you can either choose to set up MetaMask as a plugin on your chrome browser, or you can download the MetaMask app on your phone.

You can download your browser plugin here:

(Making sure you have the .io at the end of the url)


When you set up your new MetaMask wallet, you will be given a 12 word “secret recovery phrase”.

These 12 words are the only way of accessing any funds you send to your wallet, or any NFT you buy with your wallet.

Never share your secret recovery phrase with anyone, and never enter them if a website asks you to.

Treat these 12 words with the utmost security, store them somewhere where no thief or cleaner will find, and where no hacker will be able to locate. But also, NEVER lose them. If you lose them, you will never be able to recover your funds. There is no phone number or personal email backup for a lost password. You’ve been warned.

It’s also recommended to install your MetaMask on a new device that hasn’t been compromised by previous questionable online interactions over the years.


When creating your wallet, you’ll also be asked to enter a password to use for the Metamask App.

This is just a password local to that app installation that you need when you to login for that session. If you lose that password or that phone, or delete the app, you’ll need the 12 word secret recovery phrase to access your wallet again, not the shorter password you just made up.


Congratulations! You know have an installation of Metamask on your chosen device, and your own personal wallet. Your personal wallet has what’s known as a public address or public key.

This is a long string of characters that looks something like this:


This is the address you’ll need to copy to your clipboard for sending your AVAX from your Binance account, to your MetaMask. (not the one above, that’s a community wallet for the Bokcast!)


You can see your own unique wallet address at the top of your Metamask interface, and when you press/click on it, it should copy to your clipboard. Try and familiarise yourself with the start and ending characters so you’re confident you don’t use the wrong address when making transactions.

This is your own unique wallet which you will send your AVAX tokens to, which you can then use to purchase one of Chikn’s 3 various NFTs. When you purchase your Chikn NFTs, they will also be stored in that wallet.

Sending AVAX to your MetaMask wallet

You now need to send your AVAX from your exchange wallet (eg. Binance or, to your MetaMask (MM) wallet address. First, copy your unique MM wallet address as per above to your clipboard.

Then go to your Binance or Crypto account and locate the Avax balance in your wallet.

On the Binance app, click on the wallet icon in the bottom right, locate your AXAX balance and click on it, then click on “withdrawal”.

Paste your long wallet address into the first field:

Under network, you must select a specific network called “AVAX C-Chain”

Failure to select the correct network can result in the loss of your funds.

Enter the amount of AVAX you wish to send and select “Withdrawal”

After confirming the transaction via 2FA, the funds should arrive in your wallet in a few minutes. You’ll likely not see your funds arrive in your MetaMask wallet at first as it will be displaying the Ethereum Network, so there’s one more step remaining.

Change the network on your MetaMask from Ethereum to Avalanche C-Chain

There are two ways to change to the C-Chain network

1)      Go to (On your browser with the MM plugin installed, or for phone users, there is a browser WITHIN the MM app)

Select “Connect Wallet” in the upper right

Select “Switch to correct network” or “Add Network”

Then select “Switch Network” or “Approve” on the Metamask popup. (always read these carefully before signing)

If this doesn’t work, you can try manually:

1) (just the first part to the article)

Once the network status at the top of your MM changes from “Ethereum” to “Avalanche C-Chain” - you should now see the transferred AVAX balance in your MetaMask wallet. Congrats!

Buy your first Chikn, Roostr, or FarmLand!

Now that you’ve transferred AVAX to your MetaMask wallet and have connected your wallet from the Ethereum network to the Avalanche C-Chain network, you can now go to the Chikn marketplace and buy your first NFT!

Go to > Market, and start shopping!

Once you find something you’d like to buy, click on “purchase” and a Metamask notification will pop up asking you to confirm the transaction.

Select “Confirm”, and in about 10-15 seconds, the transaction should be approved, and you will see your purchase appear within the Chikn website.

You can now begin interacting with the ecosystem.

To fully interact with the ecosystem, you may want to buy some $EGG, $FERT, or $FEED tokens to grow your assets.

These can be purchased on the open market with your AVAX on:

I’ll leave the specifics on the gameplay, yield and tokenomics for another day, but in short, you can feed your Chikns $FEED, feed your Roostrs with $EGG, and reveal new tiles on your FarmLand with $EGG. Feel free to explore the ROI section of this site for more in depth analysis on yield, returns etc.

If you get lost along the way, download the Discord App and ask the Chikn community in the Chikn Discord:

But beware, lots of scammers troll these places. Never trust anyone sending a DM, even if they look like a Developer or Moderator. Scammers create fake profiles regularly to imitate legitimate accounts (including the ID#0000). Be safe, have fun, never OTC trade and see you in the Chiknverse!

Bok Bok


Wen $1 EGG?